PhD Thesis:
Published Papers:
- AB Noske, AJ Costin, GP Morgan and BJ Marsh, Expedited approaches to whole cell electron tomography and organelle mark-up in situ in high-pressure frozen pancreatic islets, (2007) J Struct Biol.
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- T McComb, O Cairncross, AB Noske, DL Wood, BJ Marsh and MA Ragan. IllouraTM: a software tool for analysis, visualization and semantic querying of cellular and other spatial biological data, (2009) Bioinformatics. 25:1208-1210.
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Invited Book Chapter:
- AB Noske, BJ Marsh. Mapping the beta cell in 3D at the nanoscale using novel cellular electron tomography and computational approaches. (2011) BetaSys - Systems biology of regulated exocytosis in pancreatic beta cells. Springer-Verlag. Chapter 9. ***
.....(springer website)
Submitted Papers:
- AB Noske, GP Morgan, AJ Costin, J Galea, MA Ragan, BJ Marsh. Estimating section collapse of cellular tomograms by analysis of roughly spherical compartments. J Struct Biol. (submitted: Dec 2009).
- AB Noske, J Galea, AJ Costin, GP Morgan, MA Ragan, BJ Marsh. Efficient segmentation of cellular tomograms using novel interpolation techniques. J Struct Biol. (submitted: Dec 2009)..
Invited Review:
- AB Noske, O Cairncross, G Johnson, AJ Costin, GP Morgan, MA Ragan and BJ Marsh. New approaches for the quantitative visualization and analysis of mammalian membrane traffic using 3D spatial image data derived from high-resolution cellular tomograms. Traffic.
Invited Talks (*Competitively Selected):
- 2007 - Winter School in Mathematical & Computational Biology, ARC Centre in Bioinformatics & University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
- 2007 - Boulder Laboratory for 3D Electron Microscopy of Cells, Dept. of Molecular, Cellular & Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
- 2008 - 'Systems Biology' symposium, Queenstown Molecular Biology meeting, Queenstown, New Zealand - 4/9/2008 ***
- 2008 - 'Mitochondrial Imaging and Dynamics' symposium, AussieMit workshop, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia - 27/11/2008 **
- 2009 - 'Pre- and post-processing methods for segmentation, denoising and feature detection of ET datasets' session, Asia-Pacific Congress on Electron Tomography, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia* - 6/2/2009 **
Other Talks:
- Monday Midday Meeting (Brisbane, Australia) - 24/11/2008
- Computational Biology Forum (Brisbane, Australia) - 2008
- Structural Biology Forum (Brisbane, Australia) - 2006,2007,2008
- 2007 - AB Noske, GP Morgan and BJ Marsh. Methods for more accurate/efficient 3D reconstruction of mammalian cells by electron tomography (ET). American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting, Washington, DC, USA - 6/12/2007 **
- 2009 - BJ Marsh, AB Noske, GP Morgan, O Cairncross, MA Ragan, G Johnson. Structure-function complexity of the insulin secretory pathway revealed from comparative whole cell maps of insulin-secreting beta cells reconstructed in 3D at 10-15nm resolution using cellular electron tomography. American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USAAmerican Society
- 2009 - G Johnson, AB Noske, M Al-Alusi, GP Morgan, BJ Marsh, D Goodsell, A Olson. Automated visualization of subcellular environments: electron tomography in the proteomics era. American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) annual meeting, San Diego, CA, USA
Unpublished Works:
In this sections are two of my first attemps at scientific writing during my honours year at James Cook University.
- 2004 Dynamic Range Queries in Vector Space - This literature review was the first piece
of scientific writing I've ever done, and, like most first attempt,
was nothing special.
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- 2004 Efficient
Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Other Dynamic Spatial
Join Queries - This is my honours project, which help earn me a class one.
In this paper I proposed and tested several new and existing methods
of speeding up pair-wise particle interaction. I do have a warning though
that there is a significant mistake in results I need to fix (when I
get the chance) before I consider publishing it.
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