Dream girl

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A couple of friends now have told me the idea that if you write down the attributes of your ideal partner, he or she may suddenly appear. One of my friends claimed it worked for her within a month of writing it down.

I feel like I'm ready. I've done lots of dating, and made a couple of mistakes, but generally dated some great women who have set the bar pretty high. Now more than ever I feel I know what is important to me. Here's my list below, and by putting it out into the universe like this I'm hoping it might lead me to find my dream girl soon - even if she's nothing like what I expected. :)

A Summary of What I Want to Look For


  • (1) Presence ........... (unforgettable, compassionate, open-minded & spiritual)
  • (2) Passion .............. (energetic, youthful, happy, inspired, sexual & sex positive)
  • (3) Principles .......... (excellent honesty, communication & values)


  • (4) Intelligence ............. (engaged conversation, challenge each other & responsible)
  • (5) Beauty .................... (lost in her eyes & inspired by her hips)
  • (6) Movement ............... (a girl who dances spontaneously or is musical & graceful)

I deliberately tried to keep this list short, so that I can quickly identify what I find most valuable in a human being. I didn't want to say anything like "a woman who makes me feel amazing about myself", because that's vague and obvious. Someone who challenges you using encouragement and intelligence - to be open-minded and fascinated in the beauty of life - who "inspires you to always be better" - is a little closer. I want a girl who inspires me to wake up and explore each day together, and who I know will be a loving and incredible mother one day.

It's a happy accident the first three things resolved to "P" words. The next three are less important. I always thought intelligence was top of my list, but I inspire people who are spiritual more and more - people who make me feel like the word is magical.

Finding this Girl

To find this girl, I believe I might need to do the following:

  1. Make sure I am worthy. To attract such a girl I should be worth... so I need to start to embody the type of man such a woman would be attracted to.
  2. Continue self-development. It's been at dance workshops and self-help workshops I've met the most interesting and heart-centered people.
  3. Be unafraid and unashamed to ask for help. Which potentially means sending people this list and sharing my Dating profile video (noskeprofile.com) video around.
  4. Pay it forwards. I like the way it's explained at the end of this video "get everything you want in a way that helps the world"... the idea being that if I help others find love, it will help me as well.
  5. Proactively approach. If I see a girl on the street who is inspiring in some way (her energy, smile, or outfit that makes me smile), I now (after decades of being too shy) have the confidence to just approach and say hi if she's by herself... but now I want to step it up and say hi even if she's with a group, as I have nothing to lose.
  6. Be happy. Life will always have challenges and I do have an awkwardness as an immigrant (with my mum and sister back in Australia) knowing where home is. I need to be at peace with life's uncertainty to be happy about how good I have it... and then by being more relaxed and appreciative, I have a better chance of attracting the love of my life.

See Also

Related/Child Pages:

Acknowledgements: The wonderful women in my life that encouraged me to start this list (and a couple of who I once dated, so know me well).... Especially my favorite tiger and unicorn Lyubov and Taylor. Love you girls! Almost wish you didn't set the bar impossibly high, yet greatly appreciated it too. :)