Jpeglib libray
libjpeg or jpeglib (it's confusing but it seems to get referred to as both, and the include is "jpeglib.h") is a small library written entirely in C which contains a widely-used implementation of a JPEG decoder, JPEG encoder and other JPEG utilities. This library is maintained by the Independent JPEG Group and represents a very popular library which is often incorporated into other libraries, so in many cases you may use libjpeg as part of something else without realizing it. Here I describe how you can use libjpeg in a minimal example of creating a JPEG file.
Installing libjpeg
- #1) Download libjpeg from this directory:
NOTE: The .tar.gz versions are for Unix and .zip for Windows... I used "jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz" on my OS X machine. - #2) Unzip or gzip with this command (or use a program):
tar zxvf jpegsrc.v6b.tar.gz
- #3) Install with these two commands:
./configure --prefix=/usr --enable-static --enable-shared && make sudo make install
On Linux/Mac OSX this should install to: /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a
Example: Using jpeglib to generate and write out a jpeg image
Here I've written an example of how you can use the jpeglib to save a jpeg image to file.
Create a file called write_jpeg_example.cpp with this content:
/* * File: write_jpeg_example.cpp * By: Andrew Noske * About: * This file deomstrated the use of "jpeglib" * by generating a small test image of a checkerboard * with red and white pixels and the writes this * out to a jpeg file called "test_jpeg.jpg". */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <jpeglib.h> //----------------------------- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *filename = (char *)"test_jpeg.jpg"; int quality = 50; struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo; // Basic info for JPEG properties. struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr; // In case of error. FILE * outfile; // Target file. JSAMPROW row_pointer[1]; // Pointer to JSAMPLE row[s]. int row_stride; // Physical row width in image buffer. //## ALLOCATE AND INITIALIZE JPEG COMPRESSION OBJECT cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr); jpeg_create_compress(&cinfo); //## OPEN FILE FOR DATA DESTINATION: if ((outfile = fopen(filename, "wb")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: can't open %s\n", filename); exit(1); } jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfo, outfile); //## SET PARAMETERS FOR COMPRESSION: cinfo.image_width = 20; // |-- Image width and height in pixels. cinfo.image_height = 20; // | cinfo.input_components = 3; // Number of color components per pixel. cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; // Colorspace of input image as RGB. jpeg_set_defaults(&cinfo); jpeg_set_quality(&cinfo, quality, TRUE); //## CREATE IMAGE BUFFER TO WRITE FROM AND MODIFY THE IMAGE TO LOOK LIKE CHECKERBOARD: unsigned char *image_buffer = NULL; image_buffer = (unsigned char*)malloc(cinfo.image_width*cinfo.image_height*cinfo.num_components); for(int y=0;y<cinfo.image_height; y++) for(int x=0;x<cinfo.image_width; x++) { unsigned int pixelIdx = ((y*cinfo.image_height)+x) * cinfo.input_components; if(x%2==y%2) { image_buffer[pixelIdx+0] = 255; // r |-- Set r,g,b components to image_buffer[pixelIdx+1] = 0; // g | make this pixel red image_buffer[pixelIdx+2] = 0; // b | (255,0,0). } else { image_buffer[pixelIdx+0] = 255; // r |-- Set r,g,b components to image_buffer[pixelIdx+1] = 255; // g | make this pixel white image_buffer[pixelIdx+2] = 255; // b | (255,255,255). } } //## START COMPRESSION: jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE); row_stride = cinfo.image_width * 3; // JSAMPLEs per row in image_buffer while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height) { row_pointer[0] = &image_buffer[cinfo.next_scanline * row_stride]; (void) jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1); } // NOTE: jpeg_write_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines. // Here the array is only one element long, but you could pass // more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient. //## FINISH COMPRESSION AND CLOSE FILE: jpeg_finish_compress(&cinfo); fclose(outfile); jpeg_destroy_compress(&cinfo); printf("SUCCESS\n"); exit(0); }
To compile this code change to the correct directory then enter:
g++ -o write_jpeg_example write_jpeg_example.cpp -lz /usr/local/lib/libjpeg.a ./write_jpeg_example
The second line of code should run the program and you should see "test_jpeg.jpg" appear in the same directory.
Acknowledgements: This code has been simplified and modified from this code on |