Fire Dancing - Oahu
Warning: Last updated: May 14, 2023. |
The fire dancing scene on Hawaii is incredible! It's one of the greatest things to do on the islands after dark, and you don't need to pay hundreds of dollars to see it at the Polynesian Cultural center. A wonderful community of Hawaiian locals spin fire for fun, and would love you to come along and watch! Some of the fire spinner will even give you free lessons if you want to learn. This article list out the events I know of on Maui and Oahu. It might be that you're just a tourist who want to watch some incredible fire spinning on the beach.... or maybe you are really keen to learn. Either way I hope this article sets you up with an amazing first night of fire.
Trial by Fire Waver: If going to a trial-by-fire event they want you to sign a little online waver. I actually think it's an amazing idea to keep things safe! It's just a reminder that accidents happen, and that mandatory consent and not mixing fire with alcohol (i.e. drinking before you perform) is a great idea.
Oahu Fire Scene
Oahu has a wonderful fire dance community and somehow the cops don't seem to mind about fire dancing around Honolulu, probably because the tourists are already packed so tightly on Waikiki during the day, fire dancing circles don't seem so bad. I also think the cops understand that fire dancing is a great way to keep the locals happy, plus tourists who stumble upon the fire dancing around Waikiki are absolutely delighted. I honestly don't know if there are other regular events on other parts of Oahu.... I think spinning events on the other side of the mountain are one off, or special events organized by the Trial By Fire community which are invite only. The Sunday dance I list below is probably the best one for tourists to come along to and watch.
Sunday Night - Fire - South Waikiki
- What: (Informal) Kapiʻolani Regional Park (Waikiki area) Fire Performers
... they just do it for fun, just after dusk, and they are very good! Just space out and sit down to watch them... they have acro-yoga before dusk which is fun to watch too. The group is called Trial By Fire - of which I'm a part of now - and I love their values of (a) teaching and inclusiveness (anyone, tourist or not, they will teach you to spin) and (b) safety and staying sober. Yup, fire dancers are asked to stay sober, because fire and alcohol shouldn't mix (fire is dangerous)... *but* people watching often bring some beers and seats to enjoy the dancing way into the night. If you want to spin then you have to prove to fire master you respect safety and have some experience with your chosen prop. Once accident with this audience of trusting tourists (some of them with kids) would shut us down, so we're trying to add as many safety measure as possible, while still keeping it fun.- When: Every Sunday ~ at dusk. If you want a lesson spinning approach the leaders/DJs at the end and ask if they have free lessons the following week.
- Where: Kapiʻolani Regional Park / Sans Souci State Recreational Park. Just walk to Queens Beach (just south of Waikiki Beach) and keep walking down the beach past the park and about half way through the park you'll see the acro-yoga and fire spinners!. It's about 50 meters north of "Barefoot Beach Cafe @ Queens Beach". map
- Website: N/A

Wednesday Night - Fire - Natatorium Near Kaimana Beach
- What: (Informal) Kaimana Beach (just south of Waikiki) Fire Performers
... unlike Sunday, this is a little more chaotic, but it's more locals, so it's a really fun energy also! Just on the northern edge of beautiful Kaimana beach is an unused tennis court which is perfect for fire dancing on cement. It's some of the same dancers as Sunday, and it's not even that far from Sunday's event *but* this is a more local beach - not quite as touristy as Wakiki - so you have more locals watching, and since it's a bigger space you might see 5-15 people dance at once (versus 3 max at Sunday). Concrete means you can spin off on the performance areas for some amazing effects!- When: Every Wednesday ~ starting at sunset with just a few people, but builds up at like 8pm to a decent crowd!
- Where: War Memorial Natatorium between Kaimana Beach and Waikīkī Aquarium. map
- Website: N/A

Thursday Night - Fire Jam - Kapiʻolani Regional Park
- What: (Informal) Kapiʻolani Regional Park (just south of Waikiki) Fire Jam
... This is *technically* a different group from the other events. Sunday and Wednesday are "Trial by Fire", and Thursday is "Fire Jam". Fire Jam used to be at Kaimana, but has moved - at least temporarily to the eastern side of Kapiʻolani, just next the car park become some "Karen" was complaining about every week. Honestly, the new spot is awesome too!- When: Every Thursday ~ starting maybe 7pm... with just a few people, but builds up much later (peaking 9-10) to a pretty big group most nights.
- Where: Kapiʻolani Regional Park eastern side "3840 Paki Avenue Parking". map
- Website: N/A
- Picture Pending
Friday Night - Ecstatic and Fire - South Waikiki
The fire portion of this isn't happening anymore, so I've moved this piece to Ecstatic Dance - Oahu.
"Flowhana" and "Trial By Fire" Together ❤️❤️
What's the difference between Trial by Fire and Flowhana / Fire Jams? Far less difference than you think, they are both awesome! One thing I love is that they both lean towards the "please-don't-drink-and-spin" - they both like to uphold safety that has gotten better and better over time under guidance by Dhevhan from Trial by fire and Jaycob from Flowhana. If you're a beginner learner who wants an extra disciplined approach trial by fire does free lessons. Once you get good at spinning, you'll just pick whatever event you're most feeling that week and dance responsibly. It might come down to music preference. :)
My only recommendation:
- If you start spinning fire at least do a skim over my Fire Safety for Fire Dancing article.
- Respect and celebrate people's different beliefs, always. ❤️❤️
My Initiation into Fire Dancing
I first saw (I mean really saw) fire dancing on a date in on Maui in November 2020, and was immediately captivated! It wasn't until January on Oahu at a Zouk lesson that the magnificent Irina suggested I try fire dancing. I went to my first lesson on Sunday at 5pm, and the amazing Lindsey and Dhevhan taught me how to spin a wooden staff, and I bought my own stick soon after so I could practice at home. Together with the talented DJ Pairadice (Cory), Dhevhan and Lindsey started the Trial By Fire community. Within a few weeks of practice, Dhevhan invited me to a beach burn with just a few friends and I spun for the first time with fire. It felt electrifying! I got so excited I immediately ordered my own fire staff, and started helping to get extra safety equipment and learning the basics of safety (see my: Fire dancing safety manual). A few months later Dhevhan asked me to be fire marshal and help to organize some of their events.
As Hawaii gradually becomes more and more covid vaccinated, Trial By Fire has grown and it's been amazing to be part of that community. I would highly recommend to anyone to say hi to the fire spinners after the show, and most are friendly enough that they will let you hold their fire toys and encourage you to come learn in a skill share. Just remember that you should practice *unlit* for weeks before you graduate to fire! And be warned that it's addictive! :)
Just like burning man, I love the principles of inclusivity, and I've been known to randomly invite many people to the lessons! My amazing dance partner Ann Swanson was one of the first girls I introduced, and now we often dance together as a couple with fire-fingers! Actually Ann & I are writing a book together now. Wohoo. If I sent you this article, there's a good chance I want you to try fire spinning too. It's not as hard as you think..... and it might not be your thing, but hey - the best people in the world are always keen to try new things. And you are probably pretty terrific!
Andrew Noske
See Also
- Fans of Little Beach, Maui Drum Circle (private Facebook group
- Trial by Fire (community website)
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Irina (who helped me discover fire dancing).... and of course the biggest thanks to Dhevhan and Lindsey for teaching me fire dancing and brining me into their community. These two people are actually a large part of the reason I decided to move to Oahu. It was supposed to be just a "one month" stay, but staying was an incredible decision for me! :) |