Google Maps API - Show Pin At Position

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Photo thumbnail and it's map location".


NOTE: This page is a daughter page of: Google Maps API

Here's a piece of code I thought worth sharing. It allows you to feed in a lat/lng, and displays a pin on the map.... plus a thumbnail above it, with some nice CSS. It's also been configured so that if either the location or thumbnail is missing, it will let you know.

Showing a Thumbnail And Map of a Place

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Map Marker and Image Thumbnail Test</title>
#image-summary {
  border: 1px solid #aaa;
  background-color: #f9f9f9;
  width:  300px;
  margin: 5px;
  padding: 5px;
  visibility: hidden;  /* Starts invisible. */
  float: right;
#thb-area {
  display: none;   /* Starts hidden. */
#map-area {
  display: none;  /* Starts hidden. */

#map-canvas {
  width:  300px;
  height: 150px;
  margin: 0px;
  margin: 5px 0px 0px 0px;
#img-thumbnail {
  max-width: 300px;
  max-height: 200px;
  padding: 0px;
  display: block;
  margin-left: auto;   /* Center thumbnail */
  margin-right: auto;  /* Center thumbnail */
  display: inline;
  float: right;
  font-size: 80%;

    <script src=""></script>
 * Displays a thumbnail image, by turning on correct visibilities, then sets the src to display
 * in the thumbnail image ('img-thumbnail') image element and sets the thumbnail link ('thb-link')
 * to the full res version.
 * @param {string} thbUrl Thumbnail URL to display.
 * @param {string} fullResUrl Full resolution URL to link to.
function setThumbnail(thbUrl, fullResUrl) {
  var imgThumbnail = document.getElementById('img-thumbnail');
  var thbLink = document.getElementById('thb-link');
  var thbArea = document.getElementById('thb-area');
  var noThbArea = document.getElementById('no-thb-area');
  var imageSummary = document.getElementById('image-summary');
  if (!imgThumbnail || !thbLink || !thbArea || !imageSummary) {
    console.error('ERROR: Expected img elements not found.');
  if ( == 'visible') {
    console.log('Thumbnail already set.');

  // Set properties:
  imgThumbnail.src = thbUrl;
  imgThumbnail.title = fullResUrl;
  imgThumbnail.alt = fullResUrl;
  thbLink.href = fullResUrl;
  thbLink.title = fullResUrl; = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'visible';

 * Display a location map, with the given location highlighted and link to google maps at this
 * location.
 * @param {float} lat Latitude value.
 * @param {float} lng Longitude value.
function setMapLocation(lat, lng) {
  var mapCanvas = document.getElementById('map-canvas');
  var mapLink = document.getElementById('map-link');
  var mapArea = document.getElementById('map-area');
  var noMapArea = document.getElementById('no-map-area');
  var imageSummary = document.getElementById('image-summary');
  if (!mapCanvas || !mapLink || !mapArea || !imageSummary) {
    console.error('ERROR: Expected img elements not found.');
  if ( == 'visible') {
    console.log('Map location already set.');

  // Setup map with correct position and zoom:
  var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(lat, lng);
  var mapOptions = {
    zoom: 11,
    center: myLatlng
  var map = new google.maps.Map(mapCanvas, mapOptions);

  // Add marker to map:
  var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
      position: myLatlng,
      map: map,
      title: lat.toFixed(4) + ',' + lng.toFixed(4)

  // Set properties:
  var mapUrl = "" + lat + "+" + lng +
               "/@" + lat + "," + lng + ",15z/";
  mapLink.href = mapUrl;
  mapLink.title = lat.toFixed(4) + ',' + lng.toFixed(4); = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'visible';

    <div id="image-summary">
      <div id="no-thb-area" title="BLAH BLAH">
        Can't display thumbnail.
      <div id="thb-area">
        <a id="thb-link" class="small-link" href="">(open full res)</a>
      <img id="img-thumbnail" align="middle" src="">
      <div id="no-map-area">
      Can't display location.
      <div id="map-area">
        <a id="map-link" class="small-link">(open in maps)</a>
        <div id="map-canvas"></div>


setMapLocation(37.397725, -122.099980);


Code was based on: -->
